Yup. Lost my groove. Almost all my gear (including an almost-brand-new camera) has been in storage for two years. Job loss, volunteer shooting gig loss, then moved across the state and have lived in limbo for 24 months. Shooting now in my new job with unfamiliar gear, but despite depression, photography always lifts my spirits. I didn't think it was something I could do when I was unsettled/crashing psychologically, and am pleased to discover it gives me a little boost. I can't remember how anything works and shoot "auto" a lot, especially with work camera, but now that there is actual movement on the horizon to get me in my own place, with everything out of storage, I'm looking forward to seeing my camera again and shooting every day like I used to without it being an uphill climb mentally/emotionally.

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I too feel like I have lost my ‘photo groove’ and afraid I have lost my passion after a couple of years of health issues including recovering from a severe concussion damaging my eyesight requiring intense eye therapy for 20 weeks.

I have tried to get back in that groove going away taking photos and take them with great frustration and then don’t process or do any more with them.

So yes being in or out of that ‘photo groove’ is very real.

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I enjoy your thoughts and writings. I also feel that way about my art, sometimes I’m in the moment, sometimes not.

Keep on keeping on and sharing about the process.

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I am sure Photo Groove is a real thing Bryan - mostly noticed when circumstances conspire and it's gone missing. Fortunately, the remedy is having fun taking photos.

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Just don’t try for waterfalls without leaving your game plan for escaping sheer peril with a responsible party you know and love.

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I find it helps me to have a garden full of cool looking flowers so I can go out early morning and evening for some macro photos when the light is good and the wind is usually calm. This way, I don’t have to go anywhere for photos and I get out most days to keep my photo groove going. If the clouds are pretty, I go to a state park nearby with sweeping vistas (Illinois views) and flower filled prairies. I’m getting to know my local parks well and return to different places in all seasons. I really enjoy taking photos, I get in the “zone” and all the other stuff no longer matters, even if it’s only for a while. 😊

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Quality over quantity always, and you seem to find the quality so very often!!

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Is it the volume of shots or the quality of the shots that is the question. LOL. Love to see them all. Thank you for your thoughts and sharing tips, tricks, journeys and all the photos.

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