I'm also in the camp: photography uses the world as paint to create art. Just wrote a newsletter on AI photography yesterday (https://marcelborgstijn.substack.com/p/ai-photography-or-ai-images ) I believe it is all about the output, the actual image we look at.

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To be or not to be is not a problem for me. The problem of AI images is that they have no life, and photographs do

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Someone in a direct email to me made that argument about digital photography to me, too. It's an interesting time to be alive.

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I call them CGI, computer generated illustrations

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What text AI apps are you investigating? I’ve just started playing with OpenAI ChatGPT. Could be a good assistant for many things.

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I've used ChatGPT, but I like Microsoft's version better. It's built into Edge. I'm finding that I use Edge now because it is built in. I really want an AI tool that can generate basic alt tag text for images like PowerPoint does, but I want it on my phone and browser.

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I’ve been reading about upcoming Microsoft 365 copilot integrating AI in the office suit. Sounds really interesting if you use any of the office 365. It’s been “given” to a number of companies for trials.

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That would make sense. I've been using it in Edge to help with blog posts. It helps automate some of the drudgery and allows me to do the fun part of writing. It would be handy in Office. In Excel, I'd love being able to ask it to kick out the info I want. Now if I'm doing something new with data, I spend an hour trying to figure out how to do it by reading the Internet.

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I really like your comments on what is art and what is photography in this and in your last newsletter. This is one of the most annoying subjects I have with anyone taking photos at any level. It’s the notion when someone says “no filters” as if the photo has some special qualities because the photographer didn’t select a “filter” for the presentation of the image. Somewhat in the category of “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” AI has been around for some time now and is just coming to be recognized as such with it’s latest advancements. We are living in and at a new inflection point regarding this technology.

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As you noted "art" is a subjective/personal thing. There is a lot of desinated "famous" art I would not hang in my home. As far as AI Photography ... call it what is 'Graphic Works". In my opinion it is NOT photography. ;)

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By definition AI imagery isn't photography.

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