Thank you Bryan - great tips on how to combat moisture on the equipment when coming back inside.

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Excellent info! I'm in Georgia and we haven't had any significant snow in 3-4 years now. The layering advice is golden, though. Thanks!

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I've tried several "photography gloves", but my hands froze. I've used fleece hunting mittens where the mitten folds back so you can use your fingers tips. It worked pretty good, but the wind went through the fleece. Then I found some made out of gortex called Hot Shots (at Scheels) so they are windproof, and I put a disposable hand warmer packet in the mitten. Occasionally the packet falls out, so I'm going to switch to the sticky toe warmer packets!

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I've tried several brands of the photography gloves as well, and I've never found any that work as well as what I use.

I have ideas for winter gloves and pitched the ideas to a company that makes great gloves, but they didn't take it.

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